Time Folds: A Collective Event

Time Folds: A Collective Event

On November 29, 2024, a series of extraordinary events unfolded within the Field Collective of Tantra Maat, creating a shared experience that defied linear time. It began quietly, but as the day progressed, it became evident that something remarkable was occurring. The anomaly seemed to center around **10:30 AM Mountain Time**, a moment that many described as a glitch in the matrix, a collective step outside of linear time.

It started when Tantra herself noted a strange loss of time. At exactly 11:08 AM, she realized that 10 minutes had vanished. "I was timing myself when it happened," she said later. "This wasn’t a vague sense of disorientation; it was a measurable fold in time." Tantra attributed the phenomenon to a disturbance in the electromagnetic (EM) field, possibly caused by the intersection of another "time territory" with our current reality.

But Tantra wasn’t alone in her experience. Members of the Field Collective began sharing similar accounts. Lisa, who had been feeling extremely sleepy that morning, suddenly snapped wide awake. Her dog, mirroring her shift in energy, became restless at the same time. Lisa described this abrupt alertness as completely unexpected and timed perfectly with the events others were noticing.

Meanwhile, Maeve felt an uncharacteristic urge at precisely 10:30 AM MT to submit a poem she had written on Catholic original sin to a competition. "I’ve never submitted anything like this before," she shared, marveling at the unusual nudge to act. Across the ocean, in Europe, Mark was also experiencing something strange. At 6:30 PM local time (10:30 AM MT), he decided, seemingly out of nowhere, to go for a jog—a rare activity for him. "I just felt I had to go," he said, still puzzled by his decision to head out into the cold and dark.

Others within the Collective found themselves navigating deeply personal and symbolic experiences. Yvonne, for instance, described feeling fragmented, as though pieces of her existence were scattered across time and space. Yet, she also sensed an undeniable synchronicity connecting her to others in the Field.

For Melissa, the morning brought an emotional release as she hiked a familiar trail. She felt a profound connection to "the mother," crying as she let go of old energies and embraced a deep sense of joy. Afterward, she returned home and fell into an unusually deep sleep, an experience echoed by Maria, who left her watercolor class early because of overwhelming fatigue. "I just couldn’t stay awake," Maria said, describing the persistent sleepiness as completely uncharacteristic.

Linda reported a striking vision: an infinity symbol made of flowing water, with herself in one loop and the Field of the Mother in the other. "It was a moment of timeless unity," she reflected. Meanwhile, dragons began appearing to several participants—both in symbolic overlays on photos and in their meditative reflections. These archetypal images added another layer of depth to the unfolding mystery.

As the day progressed, it became clear that the event was not confined to individual experiences but resonated throughout the Field Collective. Conversations about reverence, ancestral healing, and interconnectedness seemed to align effortlessly with the temporal anomaly. Kea recalled a powerful discussion from earlier that morning, which she described as "touching the heart of old structures." Others, like Inge, experienced profound breakthroughs in relationships, including a vulnerable and healing conversation with her mother.

By the end of the day, it was undeniable: the Field Collective had entered a "time territory" where the usual constraints of past, present, and future no longer applied. This shared movement outside of linear time was more than an isolated anomaly. It was a collective event that invited participants to reflect on their identity as multidimensional beings—"field beings being a field," as Tantra described it.

Reflecting on the experience, Tantra emphasized the connection to the archetype of the magician, a human design capable of existing both within and beyond linear time. She shared her excitement about what this moment revealed. "We’ve experienced a break in the matrix," she said. "This is what it means to access infinite possibilities. It’s a return to our original design, a movement beyond the broken matrix and into coherence with the larger systems of creation."

For the participants, the day was a turning point. Whether through symbolic visions, emotional releases, or sudden shifts in action, each person encountered a piece of the larger puzzle. The event wasn’t just a disruption; it was a glimpse into what it means to live as a collective in alignment with timeless unity.


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